Monday, September 26, 2011

What every CEO should know about Prep Cutlery

!9# What every CEO should know about Prep Cutlery

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Ah, the chef prepared will happily whacking it with a steady rhythm. You have no worries about how the Hollandaise sauce to finish, nor how fussy customers at table seven. All you're doing food the right consistency before passing it to someone else for care. You can go all day in a Zen-like calm, but things tend to be small.

The best restaurants and leave your tools, or you have a good choice is already takenprevious preparation by chefs. If you're picking your own, you can call attempts that are only a 1-800 number and get the whole set (with the bonus carrot speakers) and can be done with it, or you can spend your career seriously enough to require a while taking seriously your tools. Good kitchen knives are never cheap, but they are a long career investment. Buy wisely and your staff are with them 50 years ago - to celebrate the golden anniversary of your restaurant, of course!

Thehighest quality stainless steel blade or a high carbon to be produced and a sturdy handle. The handle is preferably made of polycarbonate or nylon instead of wood. Make sure you get an advantage simply because these miracles that "never needs sharpening" does not work.

It is recommended that you happen to sell the complete set of large knife, which usually contain at least one knife that you will never use. Instead, buy knives individually or in small quantities andthe best quality you can afford. Some cooks swear by the brand (and this is a support unpaid!) Wusthof-Trident I, Henkle, Sabatier and Friedrick Dick.

The three blades, which is indispensable in any kitchen is a 3-to-4-inch kitchen knife, chef knife, an 8-inch cutting machine and a 7-to-10-inches.

The kitchen knife is definitely one of the most neglected in the kitchen. It receives not only the peel done, but can also be a big part of piecemeal, not as a rulePrivate chef knife the most common. For some reason, every time I see a different boss, he reached for a knife that is longer than necessary, it is.

Knife a good cook will take care of most of your dice and take crushing magic. And 'necessary if you need to prepare the fresh garlic. Only the flat blade on top of the clove and hit it with the hand that the clove is crushed and split the skin, removing meat makes garlic a snap. 8-inch knife works bestunless they are very small or very large. Then a 6-inch or 10 inches in diameter may be, on behalf of the size of your fist.

In search of a chef's knife, good with a blade that is broad and quite difficult at the bottom, compensate in the vicinity of the handle. It is a slight curve on the edge of the blade will give you a good ride while cutting action and the knife much easier to use.

The slicer is mainly used for carving and cutting meat. It 'also good for chopping herbs, since you can onlyToo bad that handful of herbs on a chopping board and rock the big knife with a curved blade back and forth on it with both hands up.

These three knives are good elements, but they are just the beginning. Next, you want a bread knife, a bird-beak for peeling and coring opinion add round fruits, vegetables, a second knife and a 6-inch sandwich and all-purpose knife.

In care of your knife, you should clean it with a damp sponge, wipe with a cloth andstores them in a lock knife with the blade always at the bottom. They never give the dishwasher, because the knife hit silverware and other heavily damaged. When using a knife, make sure that the blade lands on a relatively soft surface such as wood or plastic, instead of on a surface such as metal or ceramic surface. This is due to the constant dropped on a hard surface spoil the blade quickly.

Knives should be washed and dried by hand immediately after each use. WhyWood tends to swell, is not a good idea to dive knives with wooden handles in water for a long time. Rubbing mineral oil on the wooden handle of the knife regularly to maintain their luster. Spots on the blades can be cleaned with abrasive cleansers, or a slightly abrasive pad - do not use steel wool!

Acidic foods like lemon juice, vinegar or mustard, should not remain on the blade after use, as it causes discoloration. Knives should always be cleaned as soon as possibleAs each job is completed. Knives should be stored in a drawer or in a knife block, after you have cleaned and dried. They should not be stacked on board for safety purposes, care and correct.

Remember, your safe handling of food! To avoid cross-contamination of bacteria, should clean knife before being used for another product. In particular, should be required to separate the applications from meat and vegetables for a meal, and never the same knife for raw and cookedMeat.

What every CEO should know about Prep Cutlery

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